ShopShanzy Return Policy

We want you to be happy with your purchase from ShopShanzy. If you are not satisfied with your order for any reason, you may return it within 7 days of purchase for a full refund.

To return an item, please follow these steps:

Go to the “My Account” page and log in to your account.
Click on the “Order History” tab.
Find the order that contains the item you want to return and click on the “Return” button.
Select the item(s) you want to return and the reason for your return.
Click on the “Submit Return” button.
Once you have submitted your return request, you will receive an email with instructions on how to package and ship your return. Please note that you are responsible for the cost of return shipping.

Items that cannot be returned:

Personalized items
Custom-made products
Food and beverage items
Items that have been used or damaged

Refunds will be processed within 7 days of receiving your returned item. You will receive a refund to the original form of payment.


If you have any questions about our return policy, please contact us at []